Which Airline is the Best for Flying from Hawaii to Japan?

Are you planning a trip from Hawaii to Japan? With so many airlines offering flights from Honolulu to Japan, it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. To make the right choice, we've compiled a list of the top 5 airlines flying from Honolulu to Japan.

Japan Airlines

has the highest rating of 8.7, followed by ANA with 8.6, Hawaiian Airlines with 8.1, Delta with 7.9, and ZIPAIR with 7.1.All of these airlines offer nonstop flights from Honolulu to four airports in Japan. If you're looking for convenience and flexibility, Hawaiian Airlines, Japan Airlines, and Malaysia Airlines have waived their exchange and cancellation fees on flights from Hawaii to Japan. With KAYAK, you can also compare airline ticket prices for last minute flights to any point in Japan from Honolulu. Onboard WiFi is available on most flights, but it could lose its connection if you don't use it continuously.

It can sometimes be difficult to reconnect it, so make sure you have a backup plan if you need to stay connected during your flight. No matter which airline you choose, you're sure to have a comfortable and enjoyable flight from Hawaii to Japan. With so many options available, you can find the perfect flight for your needs.

Derrick Barile
Derrick Barile

Friendly music junkie. Wannabe bacon specialist. Amateur tv advocate. Typical social media practitioner. Proud travel geek.