How Long Does it Take to Fly from Fukuoka to Honolulu?

The straight-line distance between Fukuoka and Honolulu is 4392.1 km, which is approximately 7,091 kilometers (4,406 miles). By plane, this route normally takes 8h 30m. If you're trying to figure out what time you'll arrive at your destination, you might want to check if there's a time difference between Fukuoka, Japan, and Honolulu, Hawaii. Calculating the travel time between two cities can help you estimate the duration of a flight.

Momondo is a great tool that compiles all of your flight options in one place and lets you filter them to find the perfect flight from Fukuoka to Honolulu. To travel from Fukuoka Airport to Honolulu Airport, we always recommend that you check with the airline you are booking with. When planning a trip from Fukuoka to Honolulu, it's important to consider the time difference between the two cities. The time difference between Fukuoka and Honolulu is 17 hours. This means that when it's 12:00 PM in Fukuoka, it's 5:00 AM in Honolulu. The total flight duration from Fukuoka to Honolulu is 8 hours and 30 minutes.

This is the average non-stop flight time based upon historical flights for this route. During this period travelers can expect to fly about 4,406 miles, or 7,091 kilometers. When booking a flight from Fukuoka to Honolulu, it's important to consider the best time of year to visit each city. The ideal season for visiting Honolulu is from April through October when temperatures are mild and there are fewer crowds. The best time of year to visit Fukuoka is from March through May when temperatures are mild and there are fewer crowds. Planning a trip from Fukuoka to Honolulu can be a daunting task.

But with the right tools and information, you can make sure your journey goes as smoothly as possible. Momondo can help you find the best flights for your trip and provide you with all the information you need about the time difference between the two cities and the best times of year to visit each destination.

Derrick Barile
Derrick Barile

Friendly music junkie. Wannabe bacon specialist. Amateur tv advocate. Typical social media practitioner. Proud travel geek.